Although metal is usually a strong material, it does require some maintenance. If you want to keep your items looking new for a long time, metal polishing will be of benefit to you. As time passes, metal will tarnish and lose its reflective finish. Whether it’s an antique or a more modern item that you want to polish, it’s sure to benefit from this service.
Read on to find out more about metal polishing and how professionals carry out this delicate procedure.
What Is Metal Polishing?
Metal polishing is the process of removing abrasions from metal surfaces to restore lustre and brightness. Sometimes it’s referred to as metal finishing. The surface of the metal is treated with an abrasive before being buffed out to reveal a mirror-like finish.
For softer metals, like that used in some jewellery, the piece might be hand polished. We would also hand polish items that have intricate or complex patterns. This means that they won’t become damaged by the abrasive part of the process. Harder metals can be polished using a special machine.
The purpose of this polishing is to restore metal pieces. Sometimes the polishing process is carried out in preparation for a further service such as electroplating or lacquer.

Metal Degreasing
This is the term we use to describe the process of preparing metal for further services. If there are any pollutants on the surface of the metal, they can repel the treatment and ruin the finish. For this reason, degreasing is essential. Over time, oils and dirt build up and create a barrier. Professional metal degreasing removes the residue and creates a clean slate for electroplating or lacquer to adhere to. This greatly improves the quality of the finish.
What Items Can Metal Polishing Benefit?
There are many options, but we find that the following are most popular:
- Jewellery
- Watches
- Antiques
- Decorations
- Car parts
- Silverware
If you don’t see your item listed here, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d be happy to discuss your options with you. Some items will benefit from a polishing service in addition to a further service such as electroplating. This will enhance the durability of your item and give it a beautiful finish.
For Metal Polishing, Contact Unique Brass Finishes
We carry out metal polishing on all manner of items. No matter how delicate your trinket is, we will treat it with respect and care. Contact us today to arrange your metal service with us.